Globall Source Ltd. As a company or personaly is not responsible for the realization of any business, business transaction, or project it advises. GS Ltd, Takes no liability in any relation to any business, transactions, or projects it advises not in the future nor the past. GSLtd expresses nor its opinion, political views, or ethics through the advisory and consultancy services provided. GSLtd, Acts as an agent between the manufacturer and or provider of goods or services and the buyer or payer. Services can and might be contradicting to other projects or companies. GSLtd, Is involved or holds company shares or interests in Business practice is done in good faith and GSLtd is relying on the authenticity and correctness of information received by the giving party or affiliates. GSLtd is not obligated to verify such information received and liable for consequences or liable for third party services or claims made. GSLtd cannot guarantee the advisory or transaction success nor the successful delivery of services or goods. GSLtd is not liable for third party services or final approvals, like but not limited to due diligence processes and outcome or final approval and project success or similar. Past performance and success is no guarantee for similar outcomes in the future. Market fluctuations, political changes, and or changes in laws or applicable rules are not of GSLtd concerns and no liability is bared by GSLtd. GSLtd has the right to cancel all services and or deny further services if, during the consultancy, or transaction process, and or contractual term, ethical questionable practices are Sandor environmental sustainability of the advising party, transaction or project is questionable. GS Ltd has the right to stop all services if by its contribution this or environmental responsibility and sustainability would be negatively impacted, questionable or unethical and therefore humanly incorrect practices would be witnessed or could be suspected. Furthermore, GS Ltd keeps the right to cancel or deny service to "PEP" persons defined under financial regulation and or the involvement of such a person in the company, transaction, or project being serviced or benefiting directly or indirectly of such services or can be suspected to be benefiting thereof. Various complex processes are involved in most services GSLtd provides and third-party service providers and companies may have their own restrictions, company practices, compliance and legal rules and terms. GSLtd takes no responsibility for such services, requests, and or business practices. All payments received and made are nonrefundable. This includes but limits to GS Ltd and third-party services like but not limited to insurance coverages, packaging, logistical arrangements, collateral services, goods/product verifications, and others. Any fraudulent information/misrepresentation/non-disclosure of material information of any sort by a customer/project / transaction-related mater will terminate GSLtd obligations under any contractual agreement including all terms and obligations that are endearing them null and void. It further relieves GS Ltd's service providers or affiliates of similar duties including but not limited to insurance coverages and or financing support and any other related matter regarding a transaction or service. All service payments made are nonrefundable. Insurances canceled or terminated before expiration dates are subject to terms and conditions and are nonrefundable. Any started project canceled or service request stopped by the customer /client, intermediary, and or a Force Majeure event, third party compliance or legal issues arising and or the hiring party itself, GS Ltd has no obligation to continue its services to an affiliate party or substitute or client. Any service already paid for is not refundable. No service can be transferred. GS Ltd takes no responsibility of any kind in relation to its services and its success. Service is provided in good faith and based on information received. No guarantee of success can be given as some information might be based on past events and or being considered forward-looking statements and there is no guarantee the same results can be duplicated in the future. Any deviation from the outlined and given timelines by GS Ltd under its services will affect the success rate negatively. Globall Source Ltd has high ethical business standards and workplace practices and keeps the right to deny or cancel services to partners and or customers, whose business practices and or workplace conditions would not be in line with ours. Affiliates and third party partner Sandor service providers have similar standards and practices. Please be aware of the fact that we have seen services denied, transactions canceled, and or shipments blocked for inspections, because of business practices and workplace conditions not being inline with the service provider's standard.
2005 - 2024 GLOBALL SOURCE